Monday, November 5, 2018


I recommend downloading the powershell module locally, I have not been able to upload a blob using the cloud cli... but then again it was in bash.

Some helpful links:

  az storage blob upload -f D:\vbox\debian\debian_copy.vhd -c mydisks -n debian.vhd
  az disk create -g myResourceGroup -n debianManagedDisk --source debian.vhd
  az storage blob url -c mydisks -n debian.vhd
  az disk create -g myResourceGroup -n debianManagedDisk --source
 az vm create -g MyResourceGroup -n debianVm --attach-os-disk debianManagedDisk --os-type linux
az vm list
az vm start -g MyResourceGroup -n debianVM
az vm show -g MyResourceGroup -n debianVM

First attemp appears to be a failure..., in fact, I might have bricked my debian install.
Boot, first guess, is account was reset somehow.
Second, is I did Did not enable DNS?? and perhaps, VM tools do need to be uninstalled first???

Friday, June 3, 2016

Next up: Trial and error.

So, there will be a process involved here, its not quite clear what that is yet, but would follow certain required work flow:

Scan Item
Clean item
Export Item
Import Item
Use Item

After performing an initial scan, I realized a couple things.
First, manually moving the kinect sensor around an object of relative large size is awkward.

The cables are long enough for my needs, but they do drag along the floor and can be a tripping hazard. Ideally, at some point, we'd setup a platform for scanning, and remove manual manipulation and error input ;).

Taking is slow and steady, I have a scan! Though, my scan is ugly, really ugly.

First thing I noticed was, in my garage..., the lighting condition isnt that well... This cuases defects and deformities in the 3d model.

Ill be making a trip to lowes and will  try to improve this tomorrow.

Second, my deformed model, not only picked up my object of interest, but it also picked up a lot of noise.

It's important to remove this extra data, which can bloat the 3d models quick!
The internet has suggested different 3d tools, currently I am looking at freely available options...

meshlab seemed promising in the past, but I suspect my current model has too much data, and it just cant handle my needs.

netflab free version is asking for a licence again, so I am not interested in messing with that...

I am actually considering writing a utility that can clean these models up... in fact, I most likely will later in the process, after this POC is further along.

But, for now, I actually found Autodesk's meshmixer somewhat helpfull.

It too freezes up a lot, but so far, if I am nice* to it, it has provided some pleasing results.

The plane splitting option is great.
Also, the mirror utility can prove to be helpful:

Though, as we speak I just tried doing something,in fact I forget what I was doing, mostly becuase meshmixer has been frozen for a little while now...

Anyway, I also suggest looking into the hollow function, it seems? to be able to fill holes, which is a big problem with kinect data...

OH YEA, I was trying to fill holes... I think.

Good day ladies and gentlemen.

So, after being away for the early part of the year, I am back and ready to tackle this project and any issues that may arise.. one at  a time.

Alright, so after starting up any of the sample apps that require displaying a picture to screen using directx2d(c++) I ran into the issue of not seeing my sensor data(image).

Ok, my first thought was that, my wife put a virus on the computer, from all the Asian web sites she visits ;).

But no, maybe, we will move on from that... Next I tried reinstalling the sdk and drivers from microsoft for the kinect.
Then, I reran, from the sdk browser, the samples, noticing, only the wpf samples showed me images...

After more tinkering, I realized the sensor was actually grabbing data from the c++ samples, the problem, was that, it just wasn't drawing* to screen; I Determined this via, one of the sample apps that allow you to take a screen shot. So, since my  screen shots, looked fined, I moved on and focused on the directx2d code within the c++ samples.

What I found was enlightening...

So, browsing msdn, I found sample directx code. Using that as a template, I started plugging in initialization parameters...
One such parameter was the size input:
            hr = m_pD2DFactory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(
            D2D1::HwndRenderTargetProperties(m_hWnd, size/*D2D1::SizeU(
rc.right - rc.left,
rc.bottom -*/),

Above, you can see that the second parameter for HwndRenderTargetProperties, takes in a size. This size was being maxed to the screen resolution.

So, out of curiosity, I then replaced this size with a customized value of:

                RECT rc;
GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rc);

Using this commented out code above**, this actually passed in a different size to the app.
This size, smaller, was actually the size of the app window. Though being smaller, it worked!
Well kinda, with this window size I was able to see a percentage of the sensor data, so not my full view; I saw my full view, when I took a screen shot, using the sample app, or using the graphics debugger from within visual studio, and grabbing a frame; therefore my kinect sensor had more data available.

Knowing this, I started to think would cause this??? Well, looking into the size parameter more, I noticed its related to the size in pixels. And when you consider pixels, you need to consider the screen dpi.

Then I started googling, how to check windows desktop dpi...

When I did this, I found that at some point, in between last using the kinect(3 months ago???) I must have changed my dpi...

See this page on how to change back:

So in short, if your having issues, where your sensor is grabbing good data, but directx will not draw that data, it could be related to your dpi setting.

Personally, I had mine set to 130 %, after changing back 100%, and logging out and back in, this resolved my data resolution issue.

COOL, so now I have to determine if I can improve performance, increase data collection, offline processing? and prevent api exceptions; api returned a result: 0x80004005

Until next time, have fun!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Lets do this! New Year New Month, go Broncos!

Wow, January flew by rightt??? That's ok, well as long as your not ok with that...

Why do say that, well because, each day is a gift, and we shouldn't let that gift fly by. For example, Super Bowl 50!, is this Sunday, for almost 2 weeks, since the Broncos played the Pats, I've been looking forward to this game, and wishing it was SuperBowl time already. Well, several times throughout the pass two weeks, I have cuaght myself and said hey, Thank God, today is Monday, Wednesday...FRIDAY!!!, etc.. Otherwise it would be a serious mistake to only LIVE once or twice a week?!(Fridays and\or Sunday?)

So today, make some goals, aim high, and joy all your blessings.

Speaking of starting a goal, this past several weeks, with the exception of the Super Bowl, getting back in shape, etc... I've been really interested in getting a personal project going. So the plan is to blog on updates on that project, which will be a form of documentation of the process, and common gotchas and don't dos that were no so common at first, second, or maybe even third glance.

Alright, after that tease?, the project itself will revolve around using the Microsoft Kinect Sensor, to grab 3d data of an object(s), given that data, format, decorate, and message it to a nice view able format. The end result is to take this new 3d object(with color), and place it in a 3d program for visual learning!!!(*Yeah I know its vague, but more on the main project at a later time).

My Kinect is a v2 sensor, with the adapter for my windows 10 laptop.

The first place to check out would be:, to get a general overview of the fusion sdk, which currently does quite a bit, and has some nice examples of useage.

Next, when it comes to installing the kinect, I had driver issues, and I must warn you, that the kinect from what I can tell is picky on the hardware specs it will work with(saying that losely...) so do research and verify your computer hardware is compatible.

To actually, resolve my driver issues, I found this website:, follow the directions on grabbing the latest development drivers from microsoft; once I grabbed the drivers, I disabled the registry key which allowed me to get them; call me paranoid...

Then, I found it straight forward to create a 3d model with color of my boxer, using the Fusion SDK Example: Fusion Explorer D2D. Specifically, it's important that when using this example, be sure to save your 3d model as a *.ply object, as this is the only format that seemed*(I say that with a lot of ignorance at the moment) to store color data*.

Afterwards, I was able to import my 3d model into a program like meshlab to view it!!!
Finally, once you import your model, you will most likely notice, it's not perfect, and what water proof???

WHen I say that, I mean, if you tossed, your 3d boxer model in your pool, it will sink to the bottom taking in water... this reminds me of the  time, my lab pushed my newly purchased boxer puppy into my clean pool, which later involved me jumping in the pool and showing her how not to swim...(we both went to the bottom and bobbled up to the top, both Daisy and I are doing fine now). Anyway, to combat this hole* issue, we need to replace these holes, and or fill them in.

There are tools out there like netfabb which can do this and are free. My first attempts and filling in the holes of my 3d model, didnt go so well, I apparently had a lot of holes, and the netfabb app ran out of memory. I also used the repiar option on the meshlab tool, and it just crashed the program, I suspect it's becuase my 3d model maybe high res enough, and very holey.

Aside from freeware, I'd really like to fix this from a script, or another program, perhaps via an api to a dll. So far I haven't found a library to do this. But, I found a good early Saturday read, or Friday night eye puller, which appears promising:

There is source available for this algorithm actually, but its compiled for linux. My goal is to compile it for windows 10 and go from there.

So, stay tuned, next post will involve issues and partial resolutions to compiling and getting glut working.


UPDATE: If you need to build glut for windows 10, grab the windows 7 sdk, and build from visual studio command line, you may have to add the windows 7 sdk include to the bat file:
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\include;

Monday, June 27, 2011

PS3, BLU Rays, Lawsuits and no hacking.

Alright, here's an introduction. I own a PS3, yes I bought it from my brother 2 years ago. I've played it 3 times probably. Though, I KNOW I have used it for playing Blu Ray Disks...  Alright, a lot of you probably already know this, but I figured I'd help someone else out if I could. Apparently*** I have played blue ray disk before on my ps3, but the issue is that, the new blu ray disk, will require an update for the PS3 and also all Blu Ray players from what I understand... This too sucks, basically because I bought the PS3 to play Blu ray disk. So why don't I just download the patch? Well, if I do, it'll render my PS3's Other OS option useless, or rather it won't be there anymore.

Which is sad, I really wanted to use the Other OS to play around with the multicore technology, in fact at one time I wanted to build a mini super computer MUHAHAHA.. ahem. So I decided against watching the movie on my PS3, thanks Sony, let me know how that LawSuit works out for you: Link to Filed Lawsuit via IGN

So anyway, at that point in time I became frustrated with the whole thing that I felt like I should devote hours and hours upon figuring out how to use the Blu Ray DISK on my ps3, aside from hacking it. I am refering to the Other OS feature. Though knowing Sony, you'd still have to hack it to get the updated codes I image, which I don't recommend. Why, well basically this came to me in the night, I was laying down and it hit me, why waste my time on this? Seriously, time is important, trying to fix something small like this in exchange for huge amounts of time to figure it out, forget it. For starters, I don't watch Blu ray disk that often... second I was more irritated than anything, right now I don't even care. Though I have decided to boycott sony when ever I can ;). It's probably gonna be a work in progress.

Finally my point, if not clear, is to focus on important things, whether your at home or work. There's always things that'll jump in your face and become distractions, but to prevent your-self from becoming unproductive at the end of the week, its important to get perspective and then stay focused. I can't recall how many times I just latched onto one idea, and then realized after so much time that more thought should of been put into IT.

Hello World

I figured this would be a good starting point for a blog title. This blog will contain varied bits of information that I find helpful in my daily programming task or otherwise just fun and ad-musing.

So a little about myself. This is my first blog, ever, or at least the only that matters ;). I work for a software company, we make software. Though I do not plan to discuss more about that topic, I want to focus on helpful general hints, besides, when I blog I am not working so its my time.

My interest are computer games, drawing and reading. I am only decent at playing computer games...
Aside from that, I am very interested in AI, WebGL, OpenGL(computer graphics), and multi-core programming.

So basically, following my interest I'd like to post progress on projects I am working on and hopefully help others in the process.