Friday, June 3, 2016

Good day ladies and gentlemen.

So, after being away for the early part of the year, I am back and ready to tackle this project and any issues that may arise.. one at  a time.

Alright, so after starting up any of the sample apps that require displaying a picture to screen using directx2d(c++) I ran into the issue of not seeing my sensor data(image).

Ok, my first thought was that, my wife put a virus on the computer, from all the Asian web sites she visits ;).

But no, maybe, we will move on from that... Next I tried reinstalling the sdk and drivers from microsoft for the kinect.
Then, I reran, from the sdk browser, the samples, noticing, only the wpf samples showed me images...

After more tinkering, I realized the sensor was actually grabbing data from the c++ samples, the problem, was that, it just wasn't drawing* to screen; I Determined this via, one of the sample apps that allow you to take a screen shot. So, since my  screen shots, looked fined, I moved on and focused on the directx2d code within the c++ samples.

What I found was enlightening...

So, browsing msdn, I found sample directx code. Using that as a template, I started plugging in initialization parameters...
One such parameter was the size input:
            hr = m_pD2DFactory->CreateHwndRenderTarget(
            D2D1::HwndRenderTargetProperties(m_hWnd, size/*D2D1::SizeU(
rc.right - rc.left,
rc.bottom -*/),

Above, you can see that the second parameter for HwndRenderTargetProperties, takes in a size. This size was being maxed to the screen resolution.

So, out of curiosity, I then replaced this size with a customized value of:

                RECT rc;
GetClientRect(m_hWnd, &rc);

Using this commented out code above**, this actually passed in a different size to the app.
This size, smaller, was actually the size of the app window. Though being smaller, it worked!
Well kinda, with this window size I was able to see a percentage of the sensor data, so not my full view; I saw my full view, when I took a screen shot, using the sample app, or using the graphics debugger from within visual studio, and grabbing a frame; therefore my kinect sensor had more data available.

Knowing this, I started to think would cause this??? Well, looking into the size parameter more, I noticed its related to the size in pixels. And when you consider pixels, you need to consider the screen dpi.

Then I started googling, how to check windows desktop dpi...

When I did this, I found that at some point, in between last using the kinect(3 months ago???) I must have changed my dpi...

See this page on how to change back:

So in short, if your having issues, where your sensor is grabbing good data, but directx will not draw that data, it could be related to your dpi setting.

Personally, I had mine set to 130 %, after changing back 100%, and logging out and back in, this resolved my data resolution issue.

COOL, so now I have to determine if I can improve performance, increase data collection, offline processing? and prevent api exceptions; api returned a result: 0x80004005

Until next time, have fun!

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